What you take for a self-guided hunt would somewhat depend on your
accommodations planned for your hunt. Would you be camping or staying in a
lodge or motel? Every elk hunt I have done has been a self-guided hunt, right
from the first day I went elk hunting. A basic list of needs that I would take
for your self-guided elk hunt would be as follows.
Suggested Camp Needs
This is for a party of three
1-Coleman cook stove
3-sets of eating utensils
1-portable table and chairs
2-gas lanterns
1-heating stove (optional)
1-large basin for washing
3-sleeping bags
1-set cooking utensils
1-5 gal. water jug
1-shovel for latrine
1-large basin for dishes
Suggested Survival Kit
1-space blanket
1-day food supply (dried food)
1-pack waterproof matches
1-20 ft. nylon rope
1-day liquid supply (2-8oz. juice)
1-pack freshwater tabs
Suggested Hunting Gear For Elk Hunting
- 1Rifle with scope & sling. 2 rifles if you have a backup - know of hunters that
have had broken scopes and problems with their rifles while elk hunting - Too
far from home to replace if needed
- 2 boxes of ammo minimum - may be hard to locate extra ammo in the field or if
you are not near town or the store is not open at night or Sunday
- 2 smaller sharp knives - I prefer my Buck knife with a 3" lock-blade
- 1 larger hunting knife
- 1 sharpener - I prefer a small pocket size or belt steel
- 1 belt saw for bone
- 1 hatchet - although 2 does makes life easier
- 1 gun cleaning kit
- 1 all purpose tool such as Leatherman
- 1 pair of binoculars
- 1 compass or GPS
- 1 roll of orange florescent surveyors tape
- 1 small flashlight with batteries & extra batteries
- 1 cigarette lighter or waterproof matches
- 1 day pack or fanny pack
- 1 first aid kit for day pack or fanny pack
- 2 water bottles for day pack or fanny pack
- 1 sturdy frame-pack for packing - at least one frame pack
- 1 sturdy length of rope for tying quarters to frame-pack - Frame-pack not
necessary if using horses
- 1 sturdy length of rope for hanging quarters
- 1 big game bag for covering and protecting meat or 4 game bags for each quarter
- 1 pair of waterproof boots - never know about weather , may be 70 degrees -
Boots with air-bob soles work the best
- 1 pair of insulated waterproof boots - never know about weather, may be cold &
snow - Boots with air-bob soles work the best
- 1 pair of hiking shoes for warm days and /or after hunting
- regular socks for length of stay - warm weather
- heavy socks for length of hunt - cold weather
- clothing for length of stay for warm weather - 50-80 degrees
- clothing for cold weather - 0-35 degrees
- 1 set rain gear
- baseball type cap for warmer days
- heavy hat for cold days
- 1 or 2 pair warm hunting gloves
- 1 small bottle of aspirin
- 1 bottle of elk scent
- 1 bottle of scent eliminator
- elk call - bugle or cow call - cow call will work during & after the rut, will
also stop departing elk for a shot or a follow up shot
- Florescent orange clothing to meet the requirements of said state
- 1 thermos bottle - size of choice
- 1 can pepper spray
- 1 large can black pepper - cover fresh elk meat with it to ward off flies &
- scent free deodorant, soap, shampoo
- 1 roll of Duct Tape - Would be surprised of the uses for this